By Connected Management on Tuesday, 27 November 2018
Category: Board Member Fundamentals

Streamline Your Property Management Services by Going Online

Streamline Your Property Management Services by Going Online

Having a rental property business is a great source of income but comes with great responsibility. Property owners need to have management services in place to ensure the property operates in an efficient manner. From taking tenant payments to handing maintenance needs, a property management company is an essential component to success. To streamline your management even further, going online with services is key.

With online Chicago property management services, your business has a data center, able to easily handle and care for your tenant needs. A property management company that uses an online service will be able to input the details of your property into a software program, easily being alerted when a payment is due or overdue, when a property is vacated, when maintenance is needed, and so much more.

Going Online

Property management software programs are a great option for rental property owners as they offer one central place to input all your information. A company that offers this service in Chicago will provide you with several data entry systems for your tenants as well as your properties. You will then be able to access this information online and they can access each property to input info as needed.

Take for example if you own four rental properties. The property management company will be able to input the data on each property. Information on each rental as well as each tenant can be imputed. Every aspect of your property can be added to the program, from who is renting and how much is paid each month, as well as which property needs maintenance service. With the software tracking your rentals, alerts can be provided so that your property manager knows when something needs to be done, such as HVAC maintenance or lawn care.


Software programs connected to property management have many benefits. For starters, you can add in a way for your tenants to make monthly rental payments. Your manager can keep track of who has paid and who is behind. This way, you can charge late fees or evict when a tenant is not keeping up with their end of your rental contract.

The system is also excellent for tracking the maintenance of your property. A calendar can easily be used to track the needs of a property, from lawn care to electrical checks, HVAC and more. Instead of trying to keep track of maintenance needs manually, the calendar of the software program will pop up alerts, making it easy for a manager to set up appointment needs to cover your property.

With streamlined Chicago property management services, your business will be able to thrive as you have a collection of information all in one place for your many rental properties. Instead of keeping track of paperwork, you have an online system that can easily be accessed to ensure that your property is managed to the best of your ability.

Consider moving your property management service systems online to have a better way to keep track information to help your business succeed.