Online Tools
When it comes to technology, Connected remains years ahead of the rest of the industry. Through our ongoing investment in tools and services, board members and other residents enjoy unparalleled levels of convenience, access to information, and account-level control.
Just as important, our systems allow each association to be managed like a professional business through the detailed tracking of all association events, projects and activities.
Powerful tools that are simple and easy to use.
Seamless integration with Connected's internal processes to make your board's life easy.
Built to support the needs of board members and unit owners.
Unmatched Benefits
Experience Innovation the
Connected Way.
We introduced the first web portals offered in the Chicago management industry. Over the years many have offered imitations, but none have the functionality and usefulness of these systems.
Learn about our two primary online systems below. The benefits will blow you away!
Learn about our two primary online systems below. The benefits will blow you away!
The Owners Forum
A dedicated web site where your unit owners and board members will access all of Connected’s tools. Account management, ePayments, access to financial reports and much more. Simple and easy to use.
Complete account management including viewing of personal ledger, making one-time and/or recurring ePayments.
Access to scanned copies of all received invoices and bills. (Current and historical)
Access to a full suite of monthly financial reports. (Current and historical)
Upload and share governing documents, meeting minutes, insurance declarations and other files. Unlimited storage.
Submission and tracking system for leases and owner insurance policies.
Easily communicate with residents via message boards.

The Vision System
Used by your Connected Management team on a day-to-day basis to track all projects, events and issues related to your association. Board members have full access to the system which allows you to know the exact status of all outstanding issues and more.
Real-time Insight. Board members can access the system at any time to view all open issues and their latest status.
A complete history of all key events that occur at the association, including maintenance and repairs, financial matters, governance issues and more.
Board Protection. Tracking key events provides a clear record that the board performed all legally required processes.
Easy-to-use search tools. Quickly find the complete details of any current or historical event.
Optional. While the Vision system can be accessed by board members at any time, there is no requirement to do so.