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Hello and welcome to our blog. I hope that the information being shared makes the lives of my fellow board members in Chicago a bit easier. Feel free to email me with any questions that you may have. It would be my pleasure to help!

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A condo managers review of Illinois Senate Bill 2664

Condo foreclosures, delinquencies and the new 9 months rule (Illinois Senate Bill 2664, ISBA FORECLOSURE BILL) If you are a member of a condo board then you will eventually be forced to deal with owners that are delinquent in their payment of their monthly assessments. Unfortunately, severe assessment delinquency is often coupled with an impending foreclosure. After all, if a unit owner is not making their monthly assessment payment to the association, it's a good bet that the owner is struggling to pay their mortgage. If a foreclosure occurs within your association you have a financial interest in handling the situation...

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  16774 Hits

Understanding Palm v. 2800 Lake Shore Drive – A practical perspective

Understanding Palm v. 2800 Lake Shore Drive – A practical perspective Earlier this month the Illinois Appellate Court issued an order that is causing quite a stir in condo association circles. Palm v. 2800 Lake Shore Drive is a case that relates to how boards of condo associations conduct their business. Specifically, how board members communicate and make decisions. On the surface the ruling appears to introduce an incredible level of difficulty to the process that a board must follow in order to perform their duties. Many of the updates that I have read from attorneys and other professionals in the...

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  46387 Hits

Condo Building Safety Requirements

Building Safety Requirements This article contains information about various building safety requirements and Chicago municipal codes. These are common building items and issues that board members should be aware of to remain in full compliance with all city requirements. In practice it is unlikely that your association would be penalized by the city for failing to adhere to some of these requirements. Nonetheless these items are important to maintaining a safe building for your owners and other occupants. You can access the complete Chicago Municipal Code online: http://www.amlegal.com/library/il/chicago.shtml I encourage you to review these items and check to see how your...

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  76562 Hits

Illinois Supreme Court rules in favor of Associations - No excuses to avoid paying assessments

Illinois Supreme Court rules in favor of Associations - No excuses to avoid paying assessments The struggling economy and the spike in mortgage foreclosures over the past five years have made collecting funds from unit owners a hot topic with our board members. The process for “treating” a delinquent unit owner has historically been straight forward. Step number one is to issue a demand letter that provides the owner with a period of 30 days in order to pay the entire past due balance. If the debt is not paid within the 30 days the association can proceed with step number...

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  13481 Hits

Special Assessments - An overview for Chicago board members

Special Assessments - An overview for Chicago board members The primary source of income for a condominium association is through the normal monthly assessments paid by the unit owners. These assessments are determined and set one time per year through the adoption of an annual budget. Once the budget has been adopted by the Board, the assessment amounts for each unit are fixed for the year and are not changed. What happens if there are unplanned repairs or other situations where additional funds are needed to support the association? The primary tool at the Board's disposal is a special assessment. A...

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  109744 Hits