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Maintaining your Property

5 Ways to Reduce Your Condo Electricity Bill

light bulb

Electricity costs are something that we all want to minimize. No one wants to receive an expensive electricity bill. The good news is that you have more control over the outcome of your bill than you may think. We often forget that it is our own actions (or lack thereof) that, at least in part, determines the final amount listed on the invoice. We’ve all heard of the age-old tips to avoid over-using electricity. “Turn off the lights when you’re not in the room,” “Don’t go to sleep with the TV on,” and “Unplug your appliances,” among others. These tips are...

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  8474 Hits

Tips for Winterizing your Chicago Condominium

Condo Building

  As freezing temperatures begin to move across the United States, condominium owners in Chicago should begin considering what steps should be taken to properly weatherize their units. By not taking the correct precautions, individuals leave their units open to the possibility of damage caused by cold weather. Listed below are several tips condominium owners may follow to protect their units from the harsh effects of Chicago winters.  Maintain Air Circulation One simple step condominium owners can take to weatherize their units is to leave interior doors open in order to create healthy air circulation. By opening all household doors such...

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Chicago Energy Benchmarking

This article provides a brief overview of Chicago’s energy benchmarking program and links to resources where further details can be obtained. Instructions are also provided for board members of condo associations that are required to participate in the program. The practical requirement for most boards is to hire an energy-certified company to complete the benchmarking work on behalf of the association. While it is possible for a board to perform some of the required energy benchmarking steps directly, most will find it far easier to hire a firm to handle the entire process on their behalf. Ordinance Overview Information about the...

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A Guide to Condo Security

Security Camera

Living in close quarters with hundreds of other people, some of whom may be your friends, can give you a false sense of security. The reality is that condominiums are often targets for criminals for a number of reasons, including perceived affluence and the fact that businesses and offices often employ technologically sophisticated security systems, decreasing their viability as potential targets. Many buildings have doormen or private security that act as a barrier between visitors and your private living space. But this added level of security often comes with higher monthly dues or an overall higher cost of living, a luxury...

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Preparing Your Home For Winter


  For some, the winter season means holidays, cozy nights by a warm fire and peaceful walks through gently falling snow. But it can also mean blizzards, bone-chilling temperatures and ice build-up that can wreak havoc on a building’s integrity. It’s an inevitable fact of living in the Upper Midwest: winter is coming. The maintenance duties of condo owners often vary across associations, but depending on your agreement, you may be responsible for many of these tasks.  Here are some tips to ensure your home survives the season: Before the worst of the cold weather comes through the area, make sure...

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  2759 Hits