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Licensed property management experts, dedicated to the great city of Chicago, Illinois.

How to Get Along With Neighbors in Apartment and Condominium Communities

apartment entrance

  Nearly every apartment and condominium dweller has at some point come in contact with one of their neighbors. Residents should do their best to embrace these meetings, not avoid them. Establishing and maintaining healthy relationships with neighbors has the potential to enhance the apartment and condominium dwelling experience. Here are a few tips for getting along well with neighbors.  Be volume considerate Perhaps one of the simplest steps apartment and condominium residents can take to ensure they maintain healthy relationships with their neighbors is to be volume considerate. The most common complaints fielded by property managers are related to noise....

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  8055 Hits

Tips for Winterizing your Chicago Condominium

Condo Building

  As freezing temperatures begin to move across the United States, condominium owners in Chicago should begin considering what steps should be taken to properly weatherize their units. By not taking the correct precautions, individuals leave their units open to the possibility of damage caused by cold weather. Listed below are several tips condominium owners may follow to protect their units from the harsh effects of Chicago winters.  Maintain Air Circulation One simple step condominium owners can take to weatherize their units is to leave interior doors open in order to create healthy air circulation. By opening all household doors such...

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  3814 Hits

Keeping Board Meetings Organized

Board Meeting

  Serving on a condo board is not an easy thing to do. Often, there is so much work to do that members feel as though serving on the board is a full-time job. This is unacceptable, especially given the members' other career committments. Any kind of disorganization is a bad sign for condo associations. The lack of a proper structure can result in a lot of wasted time and energy; not to mention the fact that many of the meetings' goals will be left unachieved. Implementing a framework for all board meetings will ensure that the maximum amount of work...

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A Guide to Condo Security

Security Camera

Living in close quarters with hundreds of other people, some of whom may be your friends, can give you a false sense of security. The reality is that condominiums are often targets for criminals for a number of reasons, including perceived affluence and the fact that businesses and offices often employ technologically sophisticated security systems, decreasing their viability as potential targets. Many buildings have doormen or private security that act as a barrier between visitors and your private living space. But this added level of security often comes with higher monthly dues or an overall higher cost of living, a luxury...

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Move-In Fees Explained


Move-in fees are the cause of many headaches for some new tenants. There are often great debates waged between landlords/associations and tenants over the reasons behind these fees and their legality. Here are the answers to some common questions about move-in fees: Why do I have to pay? Usually, a move-in fee is charged to a tenant upon signing their new lease. The fee serves to cover the costs of accomodating and processing new tenants, such as changing directories and reprogramming security systems. A move-in fee is always non-refundable. How is this different from a security deposit? A security deposit is...

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  14937 Hits